Friday, May 14, 2010

My New Career: Brain Surgeon!

I passed the fifty-year birthday milestone awhile back. Since then I’ve done some introspective, soul searching to provide me with direction on the last leg of my life’s journey. As part of this inward review, I’ve reflected on timeless questions like, "Who am I?", “Why am I here?”, “Does my life make really make a difference?” and “Did people really listen to ABBA?”

Part of this reflection involves making tough decisions about who I am and what I would like to do when I grow up. You know, real adult-type stuff. After much deliberation, I’ve decided to change careers and become a brain surgeon.

Here’s the rationale behind my decision. First, doctors make a lot of money. Despite all the hand wringing over ObamaCare, I’m confident first-rate doctors will be in even higher demand and command top dollar. Second, in my current job and rate of pay, I’ll have to work until I’m approximately 147 before I can retire. I’m sorry, but there just isn’t enough Red Bull to get me that far. Third, I’ve always wanted to choose the “Dr.” prefix when filling out online forms and it would be nice to have a personalized “DrBrain” license plate. After all, doctors are important people (except podiatrists- I feel sorry for them). I know, that last part sounds vain, but part of this whole introspection thing means being honest with yourself. Oh yeah, and finally there’s the whole “helping others” thing.

I’m sure many of you think I’m delusional. That’s okay. I’m comfortable knowing that some people might think I’m crazy. You’re probably thinking, “What kind of training does he have that he thinks he can be a brain surgeon?” I guess my only response is that it’s no more crazy than making a community organizer President of the United States or an Ivy League dean a Supreme Court Justice.

And I’m the crazy one….