Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Standing on the Edge of Madness

Tomorrow begins the best season in all of sports- bar none. I'm talking of course about March Madness, the 64 team, single elimination tournament that determines the NCAA Men's basketball champion.

It's estimated that $3 billion is wagered annually in office pools around the country on this sacred two week event. I used to think $3 billion was a colossal sum of money until this whole "bailout" phenomenon took place. Now, between George W., and His Most High Eminence, Barrack Obama, $3 billion is relegated to mere chump change. If I win the $100, ooo prize in my on-line bracket pool, I promise to help pay down the national debt....Not!!

Despite our economic troubles, I'm not letting the moronic policies of our government screw up my good time. I'm going to enjoy every minute and revel in the glory of teams like Sienna, North Dakota State, and Binghamton. Never mind they have about as much chance of winning it all as I do winning American Idol, it's still fun- especially the 2nd round where highly seeded teams routinely lose to powerhouses with names who sound like distant cousins, i.e. S.F. Austin, Robert Morris, etc.

Wouldn't it be great if we could muster as much enthusiasm and passion for the governance of our country as we do picking the Final Four? And wouldn't it be nice if we could agree to play by the same set of rules??

Anyway, for what it's worth, I'm picking Memphis to beat Oklahoma in the Finals. Sorry, Mr. President, and sorry Zane. Hey, at least I didn't pick Duke to win it all!!